Monday, November 10, 2008

When it rains it pours.

Have you ever had on of those days when it seems like anything that could go wrong does go wrong? One event after another strategically spaced throughout your day. One can't help but wonder whether it is by design that these events continue to come eroding away at your joy and happiness. Even with all this going on in ones life, a smile should be not only on the individuals face but in their heart. There is joy in knowing that our trials come to make us strong and if we suffer with Christ we will reign with him. These little minor afflictions are nothing in comparison to the glory that we will receive in due time. A song writer once wrote "trouble don't last always" and this can be encouragement for us as we go through our hard times. Keep smiling and keep your head up your good days are just around the corner. Share your thoughts T.W.

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