Sunday, November 16, 2008

Slow Starts Are Better Than a No Start

It is funny how sometimes our expectations are crushed if within fifteen minutes of us getting our business license customers are not lined up around the block or if after walking for ten minutes we have not lost forty pounds. We must realize that it is an achievement and the first step towards immeasurable success in just taking action. When we get that business license or walk those ten minutes we have broken out of complacency and taken a step in faith towards our goal. So often people spend lifetimes talking about what they are going to do or the classic cliche "One day I'm going to when...". We have heard the phrase one step at a time, and truly in order to reach our goals in this life we must take it one step at a time. Many sprinters will tell us how crucial their first step is in their success in a race. That first step could be the difference in a Gold medal or a Bronze medal, it could be a trip to the Olympics or a ride back to their hometown, not making the cut. Some will go on to tell us that even if their first step is not what they wanted it doesn't mean they have lost the race, but simply they have to run alittle harder and alittle faster to get their Gold medal. One thing we have to remember is that a sprinter will never have an opportunity to get any medal if they never take a step. Regardless of our expectations we must remember any step towards our goal is better than no step. We must thank God, our heavenly Father, for every step he allows us to make towards our goals because truly taking a step is our first step towards immeasurable success. Let me know what you think TW.

Monday, November 10, 2008

When it rains it pours.

Have you ever had on of those days when it seems like anything that could go wrong does go wrong? One event after another strategically spaced throughout your day. One can't help but wonder whether it is by design that these events continue to come eroding away at your joy and happiness. Even with all this going on in ones life, a smile should be not only on the individuals face but in their heart. There is joy in knowing that our trials come to make us strong and if we suffer with Christ we will reign with him. These little minor afflictions are nothing in comparison to the glory that we will receive in due time. A song writer once wrote "trouble don't last always" and this can be encouragement for us as we go through our hard times. Keep smiling and keep your head up your good days are just around the corner. Share your thoughts T.W.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Who needs a life coach?

The title is an interesting subject "Who needs a life coach". First to answer that question one must know what a life coach is. My definition is simple "A life coach is an individual who helps others overcome hurdles in their life in order for that individual or group to achieve their desired goal". With that being said, who needs a life coach, everyone needs a life coach, because we all have hurdles that we face in this life. Most of us would agree it is so much easier to accomplish even the simplest tasks with help. Who doesn't need a little help every now and then. Think about this, even the best of the best athletes need coaches to help shape, develop and perfect their innate skills, talents and abilities. These athletes rely on their coaches to prepare them for that championship game or match. Whether you want to admit it or not we all are playing in some type of championship game or match, it might be a relationship, a job promotion, or even self improvement. Tell me your thoughts and views T.W.